Student Leadership
Student Council
Our Year 8 Student Council representatives exemplify our school values of māia, manaakitanga and ako. Their role within the school is highly regarded amongst students and staff. They are the voice of the student body and this is an opportunity for them to develop their leadership skills by organising, carrying out and assisting with a wide range of school activities. Our Student Council are our representatives when working in and with the wider community. Some of their responsibilities include hosting school non-uniform days, fundraising for worthy causes, school socials, school tours, and running whole school student-led assemblies.
Roopu Leaders
At Waikōwhai Intermediate School, we have 4 roopu - Waihanga, Waimarie, Waipuna and Wairua. Each one represents important aspects that contribute to a successful learner. All our roopu are led by 4 young leaders, chosen by our teaching staff for their outstanding commitment to their learning and positive energy at school. As a group, the roopu leaders plan, prepare and run school-wide (academic, arts and sports) events three times a term, as well as roopu assemblies once a term. They also promote the Wai Way, which is celebrated weekly by raising the flag and shield of our “roopu of the week”, and eventually the “roopu of the year”. With every event, announcement and peer-to-peer interaction the roopu leaders have, the intention is to develop the leadership skills these young people possess, while also building school spirit and making Waikōwhai Intermediate School an enjoyable place that all students are eager to attend.